Hey everyone, Bio here. Just wanted to say happy Pixel Day. It's pretty awesome that there's a day dedicated to our love of pixel art. I've seen some great stuff, some pretty stellar churning-of-the-bits on here. My foundational video game era was the Gameboy Advance, so I'm pretty into proper appreciation for the medium! (btw, does anyone else get mad when a YT video of an emulated game smooths out the pixel graphics without proper scanlines? might be my biggest pet peeve lol).
ANYWAY, I haven't made much new pixel art, and felt kind of bad making an art post for these, so I'm going to dump some of my older pixel pieces in here, with a little caption, in case anyone would like to strain their eyeballs a bit (jk I'm not that hard on myself). Here goes:
(2021) This is a piece I did for my partner of my OC Cas (cat guy) and his persona in Cas's toon world. I wanted it to be kind of a CD cover or something. This was a rather large piece, probably the biggest one I've done, but I still really love it to this day. We are, in fact, always jamming together.
Excalibur. I was going thru a phase where all I did was make sprites for weapons, and I think this was one of the first ones I practiced. If you recognize it, then I'm sorry. I do truly love the weapon and armor designs from the game (I'll post another one underneath). It's a bit crunchy now that I look at it.
Arondight. This is also an extremely sick sword that I love a lot.
This was me practicing making weapons/items conceptually thru random prompts. They're all pretty fun, I gotta say.
Study from a Sonic CD intro animatic still.
Some little portraits based off Beast Wars characters. These are probably some of the oldest ones I did. Not as many bits lol.
Cas, chilling.
Cas chewin' on something I guess. The first time I EVER tried pixel art. And also the first time I ever tried to attempt animating something.
KB in the style of some mysterious hidden indie game idk I don't remember the name lol
To close it out, here's a more recent doodle. Plague Knight is saying PEACE, GO HAVE FUN, GO GRIND OUT THOSE PIXELS. KEEP IT CRUNCHY! Thanks for looking, if ya did.
BTW, drop a line if there's a game or some pixel/sprite-based media that keeps your creative juices flowing. For me, it would probably be Moon RPG, one of my favorite games ever. But I'm also inspired by the colors and formation of a lot of fighting game sprites, particularly the Darkstalkers/SF Alpha/Puzzle Fighter era for sure.